Friday, November 25, 2011

The Futility of E-books, or Why Amazon Doesn't Care about You or Your Kindle Account

This story really boiled my blood. A man named Ryan was locked out of his Kindle account in October, an account that he had amassed over $1000 in e-books with and had a reasonable expectation of access to. No one can tell him why he is unable to access his account, and no one can tell him if he will ever get access back. It sickens me to think that this man has pumped so mush money into Amazon only to have some sort of computer glitch ruin his personal library. The final line of his email to Amazon regarding the situation really sums it up.

"If this is what the ebook revolution looks like, I'll buy the written history in paperback."


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Bad Ass Bookshelves: Creative Ways to Display Your Books (Part 2)

Today is the continuation of yesterday's post on killer bookshelves. Short or tall, curved or geometric, wood or polyurethane, a bookshelf can be a way to express your creativity and even your philosophies.

Lighter than Air
Ok, so this bookshelf is actually part of a gallery exhibit. The concept is taking what we traditionally think of when we think of a bookshelf (heavy, bulky and immovable), and turning the concept on its end, turning the bookshelf into a delicate, airy chain. Though not technically available for public purchase, I feel like some quality time with metal snips and some heavy gauge hangers could yield something similar.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Bad Ass Bookshelves: Creative ways to display your books (Part 1)

Sure, a book is a beautiful piece of art to bibliophiles like you or me. But what is a Rembrandt or a Picasso without a gorgeous frame around it? Okay, they're still masterpieces, but you never see plain pieces of canvas hanging in museums. Likewise, a cool or interesting bookshelf is a great way to showcase your books and express your artistic side. For the next couple of posts we are going to look at some killer bookshelves.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Books as Art: Extraordinary Papercrafting (Part 2)

Here is some more incredible sculptures made from the pages and structures of books.

A whole world inside a dictionary

 I'm pretty sure I would have lived here as a kid

 They look so  similar to a book that has been bloated in the rain, but beautiful

Sometimes a book can be beautiful even without words.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Books as Art: Extrordinary Paper Crafting (Part 1)

 Today we are presenting the first installment of some awesome crafts and sculpture made from books. I wish  could papercraft like this.
Awesome Sea-themed scene

More photos after the jump

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Our First Craft! Coasters for Bibliophiles

Okay, so this first craft is pretty self serving: I needed some coasters. However I didn't just want any old silly coasters, I wanted cool ones. So I got the idea to decoupage these nifty ones out of some old books!


Instructions and more pictures after the jump