Saturday, October 29, 2011

I've got the Books, Now what about the Tools?

So you've gone through all those old books, carefully weeded through the ones you want to keep and the ones you want to craft. Next step is to get your tools ready. I have compiled a list of all the different tools you will need to get started with most basic crafts.

X-acto Blade
These are essential for cutting with precision and exactness. These are available in a wide variety of sizes and styles to fit your crafting needs. They can be found at many stores, but a crafting store like JoAnn's or Micheal's is guaranteed to have them.

Craft Glue
Mod Podge, Elmer's, Spray Adhesives, Fabric Glue: Craft glue comes in all sorts of forms, and it's a good idea to have a variety to choose from. These brands can all be found in your local craft store. If you don't have the luxury of a variety of craft glues, fear not. Elmer's glue, yes the same stuff you used to eat in kindergarten, is not only the most versatile of the glues, but also the most readily available. Wait for school season and stock up during the sales. I'm partial to the specific brand name of Elmer's; the quality is just better than that of store brand glues. Elmer's is thick enough to do a lot of heavy lifting but also can be watered down for more delicate work.

Decorative Scissors and Paper Punchers
Because we are working with books, which is a paper product, it's a good idea to have a couple of nice scalloped edges once in a while. Raid the sale bin in your local craft store or find a coupon (the Sunday paper almost always has a good craft store coupon or two inside). Use your personal preference to decide on what styles you want to add to your collection,

Hot Glue Gun
Yes, I know we just discussed glue a few paragraphs up, but this is different. While regular glue takes time and clamps to dry, a hot glue gun will have you glued and ready for more in a matter of moments. Best used for attaching heavy objects, hot glue guns can be found at any craft store. Again, look for a coupon before shelling out the big bucks (if you plan on doing a lot of crafting, it's a good idea to invest in a quality glue gun).

Do-dads and What-nots
Arguably the most fun aspect of crafting, do-dads and what-nots are a critical tool despite their silly name. Ribbons, bits of cloth, scraps of leather, beads, studs, glitter; all of these things fall under this category. There is no one source for these materials, which are best saved in a box until a good use can come of them. You can find plenty of these types of item in craft store, but they can also be found in your house, your backyard, or even around town. Next time you see a cool looking coin or a pretty ribbon, don't hesitate to save it for potential projects.

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